Thursday, November 1, 2012

Email Extractor.

The next topic is about useful email extractor software I came across recently. It extracts email addresses from almost all websites on Internet, blogs. Email extractor can search emails on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or any other website where you think your customers are hanging on.

The best way to sell your products is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers directly. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to extract email addresses. Email extractor can also search emails in mail boxes, documents , and so on.

It is a fact that lots of people have email addresses. Some of them leave contact information on sites. In some cases you don't have desire to scan the whole site for emails but only one or list of pages. Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you. Email extractor software comes into play if you must contact customers and let them know about your new service or product.

You can extract all emails from text files. Do you know how to find customer' email addresses from websites ? One of the ways is to search them in Google, Bing or let this work do to email extractor. Sometimes you don't know where your prospects surf Use them in email extractor and it will search and extract all of them in search engine like bing.

you have a great product/service you create and you don't know how to make it famous. You definitely need to advertise it somehow. In some cases you might not know sites you need to scan for emails but you might have relevant and domain specific keywords describing your potential customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the in application and click search inside email extractor. Have you ever known where your potential customers fritter time away on internet ? I suppose they are hang on on search engines like Google, Bing, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, forums, blogs.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

SKIN with nanotubes: nano - a loose concept

The new material can be an excellent ... Flexible and sturdy, it protects, says even a weak pressure - and easy to tolerate even a very strong.

Development of a group of American engineers Chzhenan Bao (Zhenan Bao) may one day appear in a variety of devices and appliances we use every day, or will use in the future - from smartphones with touch screens to robots. Everyone can come in handy flexible and durable, pressure-sensitive ...

Of course, not without carbon nanotubes, hollow cylinders with walls just one atom thick, the order of nanometers in diameter. We obtain a new material by spraying a suspension of nanotubes on top of a thin and transparent layer of silicone. Nanotubes are deposited with random tangled conglomerates, but if you stretch the substrate, many of them pull in and orient more or less parallel to each other. And if the substrate is then elastically return to its original form, this orientation will continue. The operation should be repeated in the perpendicular direction, and then part of the nanotubes perpendicular to the orientation and will keep it. The result is a thin silicon substrate coated with ...

Now take two such layers, and add them together inside the nanotubes, paving another layer of silicone. It's done - we have a perspective ... Moreover, it can act as a capacitor with conductive layers of the nanotubes, and laid between the elastic silicone. If we apply a compressive force to the material, the inner layer of silicone shrinks, and the ability to store charge is reduced and this effect is very easy to detect, thus using a different material as the pressure sensor.

Of course, change the properties of the capacitor and a simple extension of the material, which also leads to a thinning of the middle layer of silicone. However, the pressure and tension is easily distinguished by the characteristics of changes in the characteristics of the capacitor.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A nuclear explosion

A nuclear explosion - an unmanaged process of releasing a large amount of heat and radiant energy from a nuclear chain reaction of fission or fusion reactions in a very short time interval.

In its origin nuclear explosions are either the product of human activity on Earth and in near-Earth space, either by natural processes on certain types of stars.

A nuclear explosion.

Nuclear Explosion 2.

Nuclear explosion 3.

4 nuclear explosion.

Nuclear Explosion 5.

Nuclear Explosion 6.

Nuclear Explosion 7.

Nuclear Explosion 8.

Nuclear explosion 9.

Nuclear explosion 10.

Nuclear explosion 11.

Nuclear explosion 12.

Nuclear explosion 13.

Nuclear explosion 14.

Nuclear explosion 15.

Nuclear explosion 16.

Nuclear explosion 17.

Nuclear explosion 18.

Nuclear explosion 19.

Nuclear explosion 20.

Nuclear explosion 21.

Nuclear explosion 22.

Nuclear explosion 23.

Nuclear explosion 24.

Nuclear explosion 25.

Nuclear explosion 26.

Nuclear explosion 27.

Nuclear explosion 28.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

On 1/1/2012 channels ' League ' and ' Seven ' stop broadcasting in package ' base '

Dear subscribers!.

On January 1, 2012 channels ' League ' and ' Seven ' will cease to broadcast in the package ...

Programs on the hockey channel available on Viasat Sport ( key 606) and Sport 1 (button 605).

Fans of Channel Seven recommend to pay attention to the channels ...

Details by phone. 8 800 1000 800.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Review of developments in the world of affiliate

As always, more recently, unexpectedly and shot a nice. ksapa. During the day, bought links to almost 120 bucks. The system for the patient, shit.

After adding in the. glanders. three projects fall in income has stopped. It is necessary now to drive five more - easy zamoderatsiya ( no questions and you in the king ) has shown the relevance of these digests. In. setlinks. it became clear that neproindeksirovannye by Yandex resources will not be sold. But in. seozavre. and sold very well. The stable growth of 3-4 cents a day.

The client mourning: Yash thrown from the index all the mirrors, and the main left only one page. So much for the promotion of white with natural links of. However, the sticky was expected - the mirror today do not last long. Bad that killed the second page on the main mirror site. But my old social sphere, though subjected to sanctions, but not great - 50 thousand. pages left (out of 150 thousand. ) And the mirror is not pokleit. Here is the current value of the trust Yashke.

Yesterday's game with the social networks have pushed the top blogosphere for another 20 thousand. items. The funny thing is that fidberner does not grow well in any way. I know that you can cheat, but that can twist - do not know. Along the way people prefer to watch this live blog ( for bookmarks ) than the reader.

Yesterday filled map the client's site on the people. py. Stsuko, the bot does not want to swallow the site. Let's look at the effect of.

Only one conclusion:. with Yasha to play now on the acceleration. Who is faster, and the horse. The sooner he learns to ban, the faster should be riveting new sites.

Article on. GlavMed. slightly delayed. Subject turned out to be somewhat deeper than first thought, it is necessary to understand.

Luzhkov said the wave of compromising on TV

Luzhkov said the wave of compromising on TV and met secretly with Gryzlov. After the start of the information war against the capital's mayor chairman of the Duma, Chairman of the Higher Council of the party, United Russia, Boris Gryzlov, has decided to meet with Yuri Luzhkov. The meeting took place before the early morning, according to Life News, citing a source at City Hall.

The parties declined to comment on details of the morning talk. However, in his opinion, a State Duma deputy from the ruling party Sergei Markov, most likely, it was a question about the active attack on Luzhkov in the media about his possible resignation.

Senior management of the country comment on the situation in no hurry. Luzhkov meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has also not expected to write ' Newspaper. Ru ' with reference to the prime minister 's press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

Meanwhile, the Mayor gave an interview to TV channel REN -TV, which expressed its attitude to have appeared on television compromising his subjects. ' I say clearly: it's dirt, mess, collected in order to address the Mayor ' - Luzhkov said, adding that ... In addition, he stressed once again that is not going to resign.

Luzhkov also spoke about the accusations against his wife - Elena Baturina. He stressed that he never used its administrative resources to its business interests. When asked, could the President of JSC ... It is recognized by all who encountered her at work '. ' It would have been even richer man, if not for the wife of Moscow Mayor ' - quoted Luzhkov RBC.

It should be noted that the September 10, that is, before the airing of the federal television channels exposing subjects Luzhkov assured journalists that the conflict between him and the administration of President fiction, and he was not going to resign before his term expires, that is, before 2011.

Party members prefer to keep silent about the crisis of power in the capital.

Recall that earlier Gryzlov promised to evaluate the information contained in TV programs about Luzhkov, and talk to the mayor by. ... I 'll talk with Yuri Mikhailovich. Should evaluate in the supreme council of the party. Not so clear '- Gryzlov said after meeting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev meets with leaders of parliamentary parties on Saturday.

After this announcement, information attack on Luzhkov's only gaining momentum. In the final newscasts on the three channels out of the federal reports criticized the new mayor of the capital. At the same time, United Russia has continued and continues to remain silent.

On Monday there was a meeting of the Presidium of the General Council of the Party. It was approved by the new Secretary of the Moscow branch - it was the State Duma Deputy Yelena Panina. Subject Mayor and scandal around it is not even raised, the newspaper Kommersant.

According to Gryzlov, the discussion of the situation surrounding the mayor will not begin until next week, when a meeting of the supreme council of the party offices, says ' News Time '.

At the same time just two days before the start of the campaign in the media antiluzhkovskoy Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of United Russia Vyacheslav Volodin said to increase the responsibility of the party for their representatives in government. ... People will support a party that can ask itself with the ' - said Volodin. According to him, ' the governor is different from any other official of the fact that he has more responsibility, and the decision thereon shall be suspended '.

It should be noted that Luzhkov is not just a party member, and co-chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia. This fact marks the first deputy chairman of the Communist Party Ivan Melnikov: ... And then the question arises: who is responsible for the policies that suddenly did not like the TV channels, and why in this case, put on the agenda is only a matter of Luzhkov 's resignation? '.

Footages ' thing in the cap ' has caused an unprecedented interest among the Muscovites.

Recall, the film - dirt on Luzhkov went on a Friday night broadcast by NTV in the framework of ' Emergency. Investigation '. According to the company 'TNS Russia ', its 24.3% watched television audiences in Moscow, that is, every 13th citizen. Meanwhile, ratings of the program is 7.5 %.

Moreover, at the beginning of the show, which began widely advertised only on the day of the ether, the share of NTV has grown by 4%, and after the end of the movie by the same reduced. These data suggest that the Muscovites have expressed interest in it to a specific individual - the hero of the program.

At the same time the final news program ' First ', ' Russia ' and NTV did not win on the weekend showed that 10-minute reports from the harsh criticism of the Moscow mayor. Additional interest in these subjects no longer showed the audience.

Teleataka the mayor began last Friday with NTV. Evening in the ' emergency ' was a documentary about Luzhkov called ' point in the cap '. The film dealt with the corruption cases involving officials in Moscow, the mayor's wife's business, Yelena Baturina, the construction of roads through the Khimki Forest, on the controversial demolition of the metropolitan area residents of South Butovo. Comments of Luzhkov gave a journalist Sergei Dorenko.

September 11 NTV went on the attack, revealing story about Luzhkov in the ' maximum '. The program dealt with the capital's mayor 's wife Yelena Baturina and reconstruction of the legendary sculpture ...

September 12 on NTV showed two programs critical of Luzhkov and led them to City Hall. In the ' state of emergency. Review of the week ' story came out ' down the drain ', which describes how the metropolitan officials stolen money allocated for stray dogs. In ...

September 12 plot also showed antiluzhkovsky hour news channel ' Russia 24', included in the state holding RTR. The report discussed the demolition of architectural monuments in Moscow under the pretext of Reconstruction. A critical theme was also released under the program 'Time ' to ' First '.

On Monday it was announced that Yury Luzhkov and the government of the capital are preparing lawsuits in the courts for defamation in connection with negative TV programs and articles in the media. As emphasized in the government press service of the capital, television and radio spots, and newspaper articles against the mayor, differed unsubstantiated. As noted in the press service for each of the voiced ' insinuations ' will be prepared a statement of claim.

In addition, the intention to sue, and reported in the press service of the company ... As a spokesman for Inteko ' Gennady Terebkov, Baturin intends to file an action in court to defend his honor, dignity and business reputation in connection with the spread of false in its assessment, the information in the reports that have passed the other day on a number of federal channels. According Terebkova, writs are already preparing.

NTV General Director Vladimir Kulistikov said in response that his TV is ready to prove the truth of the facts reflected in a series of revelatory material aimed at the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. According to the head of NTV, after compromising on the air, they ' went to the curious flow of documents ' proving the facts made ​​public.

With similar statements were made by representatives of RTR. 'All the facts set forth in the subjects fully comply with the editorial policy of holding television ', - said on Monday in the press service of the media holding company, commenting on statements by Elena Baturina of intention to sue. In addition, there noted that ...

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Buffalo LinkStation Mini - Drive -based SSD

Company Buffalo - one of the leading manufacturers of external hard drives, has released a new product LS-WSS240GL/R1. This is a very compact network storage, which is lightweight and fits in the palm (dimensions 40 x 82 x 135 mm). The volume of new products - an impressive 240 GB received a pair of work 120- GB SSD in RAID 0.

Feature of the solutions is that as the drive engineers Buffalo was chosen instead of the usual for this type of devices, HDD (hard disk), and gaining popularity drives to flash memory - SSD. Interfaces supported network storage: 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T, USB2. 0 / 1. a. Energy consumption is only 10-13 Tues.
Instead of typical NAS devices 19 dB noise LS-WSS240GL/R1 users will be able to discern hardly new noise, which is only 2.3 dB.
LS-WSS240GL/R1 drive will go on sale later this month. The cost of the network SSD Buffalo - about $ 1200.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Configuring Satellite-X - step by step instructions

Went to the store. Opposite him stands mikroekskavator Bobcat on roof flasher rotates inside is ' forgive Manhattan. ... I bought two bottles of corona lime. All beer has risen in price, and stratified on the ' beer for cattle ' and ' you can drink, but expensive ... nightmare. I was deprived of half life. Now to the shelf constant dilemma - two for cattle to drink, or one for the soul. Save the soul only liberal diesel Lime and crown.

archive to unpack. At the exit, we have a bunch of folders and files. All this stuff should fill in the appropriate folder on the server. The required directory name is different, I have a public_html, some - httpd_docs. What do you have - you should check with your hosting provider.

I pour through the Total Commander. That you would recommend. Once filled, the right to expose the folder where files will be written. This is done as. The cursor on the folder, then into the totals: File - Modify the attributes of. Set the attributes and QA.

We need to put 777 ( all pressed tick ) on the folder: rssnews_, users, data, system, link. And to rss. xml - rss written back -flow of articles from the site. Many attribute the RCC magic quick indexing. We are in a solid tradition does not give any one of the shamanic movements that can help make it rain (of money! ) - Do everything in our script with at least a hint of the utility, not forcing you to think once again.

Now is the time to edit the template. By default, our template is in the folder shablony. They are composed of all the templates that come in the delivery. This is just my whim. The pattern can be anywhere, be any name at all be what and who you want, if only in a html-code and variable data labels. Leading the default template - newshablon. php. This is a pattern with my secretary. Please love and favor. You can change it all. Styles, by the way, are configured in a separate file for it - ds. css. He is at the root note, because the path to the template is registered from the root. Once again, remember what I said about the pattern above. It does not matter, where is the template, but to connect image, style files, etc. Dr.. should go to it from the root. T. e. template can be bought for more clarity to dump in the root folder. He was not hurt anybody out there. Try to put it in the template folder shablony not necessary - it does not matter.

Once played enough with the pattern, it is time to configure the config. The entire configuration is now in the folder config. Previously, it was all in a single file, but we are preparing a script to the emergence of start- admin. therefore, setting config divided into thematic pieces and stored in separate files in the specified folder.

configbase. php - most important for us to file. We discovered it in the usual notepad and put this in it RIGHT path to the template, the full address of the site, general site settings (name and other metatags ) and is included or not NC. More than we ever in this file is not Lazimov. Why does not the site address is taken from the site? .

configsys. php - in fact here we rule set for the system bloat. For the satellites I'm not here I come. And most customers played with only one setting in this file - a $ CASH - t. e. Configuring cache or not. There is only one critical point. If caching is enabled, then after filling content you will have to clean the folder system. If caching is disabled, the menu will not display correctly. My advice - to fill the content caching off, after pouring the content - include. And even then look at the correctness of the entire site.

All other files in the config we ignore. Settings sponosorov us soar, while the satellite is not indexed, and the settings for these variables we are concerned only if we are geniuses layout. For those who are patterns for manufacturing trades Satkha, be aware that in addition to the template, you must provide configcpu. php and confignocpu. php - configuration data for the variables. And the customers - ask for it with shablonschikov.

It's time to fill content. There are two options. Making the files yourself and just pour them into a folder data. Or use the editor. php. For the latter option you need to call http://vashsite. ru / editor. php and what to do next, it is written in the editor. The essence of this editor - with the help of your layout to create a sharp X files in the data. php. The latest version of the editor also makes blatantly automatically update the menu - clears the cache.

Next step - pozyrit. You just have to upload the site and make sure it works. It will also be a provocation for the organization of the cache. Cache - a few files that are created in the system and only need to read a script from them, and not from the directory, making it tedious sorting and iterate each time. This helps speed up the script. Therefore, if something is askew on the site, first remove the cache and reload the site in your browser twice. Two - the magic number. Dual booting allows you to experience the universal mastshtabnost your site. If after all this crooked - knocking in support, t. e. me.

Now let's set up grabbing news. To do this, open cronrss. php. Put it on the tape previously selected news Yandex. I will tell you a secret - like a lot of news feeds - make clones cronrss. php and mount their challenge in the index. php. Want different tapes from different sites - please refer to any programmer. It is important that your script is making the news in the right format and store them in a folder rssnews_. Definitely recommend to put in cronrss. php sinonimirovanie and mixing. Sinonimirovanie for RCC operates separately. And it will help create the news, at least with a hint of uniqueness.

Approximately the same set creation avtopolzovateley. Details can be find on the official website of the script.

There remain only news site. But there is no adjustment at all - just zapihnite their news in a folder news_. That's all.

You can skip any step. Script is almost indifferent to all your actions. He was restless applies only to one thing - the lack of content in your data - if cleared etut folder and trying to download the site, would be a mistake. download content to this directory and then you will be happy.

80% of customers limits their actions downloading content to a folder data, migrating a small template and file configbase. php. Everything else - things optional, and many are not used at all. Especially for these clients to be released version of the script Lite edition, which will be reduced to setting three steps: fill in the picture for a cap, pour a file whose name ends with the content, customize a configuration file of not more than 5-7 lines.

I repeat for those who are constantly asked what the script is still a pattern, the main thing - shove it in the label and properly set the path in the config.

This post will go up to the next script, a mini-guides. I also look favorably on the publication of this script on your blogs or sites that link to the same place? .

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lukashenko Goodbye!