Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Holidays!

On the eve of the holiday found a wonderful poem about dads on the. Marina Volkova site. :.

If you are flying through the city hats.
So, walk the happy dad.
And happiness is what happens to dads?.
Arrived on a warm cloud of Cap- Cap,.
Birds chirp, naughty sons,.
One of which, of course, I.

(H. Shilov ).

I congratulate all of our readers - and small and large - with the holiday!.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The U.S. Congress once again to consider the law of neutrality Network

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ed and Chip Pickering Barca are going to once again raise the issue of neutrality of the Internet and submit an updated version of the senators ' Act on the Protection of freedom of the Internet ' (Internet Freedom Preservation Act).

The need for a law on neutrality Network spoke at the beginning of 2006. The first such an initiative was made by Vint Cerf, considered one of the ' fathers of the Internet '. According to Cerf, the introduction of the neutrality law will put an end to unfair competition on the World Wide Web, and stimulate the development of new online resources. Such a law, in particular, would prohibit telecommunications companies to take extra for high-speed content delivery and intentionally degrade the connection with resource competition.

In support of the act then expressed some public organizations and large companies, including Amazon. com, eBay, Google, InterActiveCorp, Microsoft and Yahoo. However, the American Association of Telecommunications Companies believes that the adoption of this bill (or any similar ) will only lead to an increase in prices for high-speed network and impede the development of new services.

According to a new version of the bill, impose duties of supervision over observance of the rights of users are invited to the U.S. Federal Commission of Communications (FCC). The organization's experts, in particular, will need to ensure that service providers provide the same quality for each user to access any site with any compatible device, according to ArsTechnica.

FCC will also have regular special conference to discuss the functioning of the Network and communications providers. However, users should be able to address their complaints and suggestions to the FCC via the Internet.

net. compulenta. ru.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yandex- ranking blogs counted!

Quickly all the FAP to the new results:.

Yandex in its style. The more relevant links from blogs - no matter what, so you are above. Hamsters drochat heavily on the ' exciting ' news and pictures, as a result of the top 17 places occupied by a fotoherney. Exception - Navalny blog, but there is clear reason, recently referred to it often does not even know his people.

Looking at the top and wants to ask: 'Who are these people? '.

I nicho, handsome, has remained in a thousand, even though hundreds lost four positions.

A little bit about the contest

www. spomoni. com. on the right. Hooray! .

My contest. for dinner, too, has caused great interest. ).

Competition Maula glanders and just tore to pieces ksapu on purchasing options. The most interesting - not even interested in who wins, I wonder how many will get Maul bekov. And how many of these remain bekov.

While kicking the smoking room at the Council of Europe, found the competition for the best slogan.

And the people - a venturesome by nature. ).

Yesterday, a fan won 318 thousand. Euro put to the account of the match Russia -Sweden.

If you look at the vote on the right, who believed that Russia will win in this match was more than disbelieving. But here's what it will be more - a little faith. Wait and see. But I mentally put a candle for our team. Guys just have to believe in themselves. And we in them. And then everything will. While rushing, we must take all of this life. And Russia has now sporting a pret. Support!.

Monday, March 26, 2012

From the series ' Everyone should know '

thanks to. Galina Schaefer. found the ' guidelines ' To help the modern genius ' of the loop ' is everyone should know 'in. Vladimir blog Druck ' Where We Have '.

As a Methodist, was not able to pass and ' utyanula ' to yourself. This is important for librarians.

Thus, the recommendations of the Druck:.

a. You can put in all the network that has accumulated in your tables, transfer to digital format files - text, photos and video.

2. Document all potentially significant cultural and artistic events - poetry reading and research, seminars, discussions, premiere, presentation, and T. n. - And share these materials on the Web.

3. Open your website or blog, if you have not already done. Publish and stir their works on the Web. Do not put it ... The sooner you do, the more likely that they will be noticed by search engines, algorithms that take into account the positive ... Later may be too late.

4. Help the search engines and readers find your content - put the tags and labels, supplement their metadannymi37, explanations and comments.

5. The materials on your site or blog should be simple and understandable structure - sections and subsections, and the central administrations podglavki. The structure of the opposite of entropy.

6. Do these materials are readable and accessible. Write clearly and simply, to make it easy to sort out any student and inexperienced reader. Readers and viewers have neither the time nor the opportunity to delve deeply into the essence - help them, explains everything you need and we can clarify and explain.

7. Do not be afraid to open your web site for comments, discussions and other forms of ... Grow your readers and viewers.

8. Open to the extent possible and appropriate, and his ... Make your shop open. Do not be afraid to publish drafts and variants. The network does not require the traditional finality - not only do you get new readers, but you will have an additional opportunity to involve them in the creative process and co-creation.

9. If you speak a foreign language, translate and publish foreign sources on your specialty.

10. Unite Group, learn how to collaborate with colleagues, collaborate with others - and the ... Share links and resources. Give up the differences - they are nothing compared to the world ...

11. Information of ... The rarity and deficit - a real knowledge of the subject. Filter valuable and useful, make a catalog of important, from your point of view of Internet resources. Place them on their websites and blogs.

12. Compile a dictionary, encyclopedia and wiki textbooks. If it is difficult to work on a major project on its own, see. paragraph 10.

13. Do not expect a quick success. Do not pursue rapid decisions. Reputation on the Web (yes probably, and in ... The success will come sooner or later.

14. Do not be afraid. No business martketologi, no officials, no employees can not compete with people for whom art and literature - ...