Monday, March 26, 2012

From the series ' Everyone should know '

thanks to. Galina Schaefer. found the ' guidelines ' To help the modern genius ' of the loop ' is everyone should know 'in. Vladimir blog Druck ' Where We Have '.

As a Methodist, was not able to pass and ' utyanula ' to yourself. This is important for librarians.

Thus, the recommendations of the Druck:.

a. You can put in all the network that has accumulated in your tables, transfer to digital format files - text, photos and video.

2. Document all potentially significant cultural and artistic events - poetry reading and research, seminars, discussions, premiere, presentation, and T. n. - And share these materials on the Web.

3. Open your website or blog, if you have not already done. Publish and stir their works on the Web. Do not put it ... The sooner you do, the more likely that they will be noticed by search engines, algorithms that take into account the positive ... Later may be too late.

4. Help the search engines and readers find your content - put the tags and labels, supplement their metadannymi37, explanations and comments.

5. The materials on your site or blog should be simple and understandable structure - sections and subsections, and the central administrations podglavki. The structure of the opposite of entropy.

6. Do these materials are readable and accessible. Write clearly and simply, to make it easy to sort out any student and inexperienced reader. Readers and viewers have neither the time nor the opportunity to delve deeply into the essence - help them, explains everything you need and we can clarify and explain.

7. Do not be afraid to open your web site for comments, discussions and other forms of ... Grow your readers and viewers.

8. Open to the extent possible and appropriate, and his ... Make your shop open. Do not be afraid to publish drafts and variants. The network does not require the traditional finality - not only do you get new readers, but you will have an additional opportunity to involve them in the creative process and co-creation.

9. If you speak a foreign language, translate and publish foreign sources on your specialty.

10. Unite Group, learn how to collaborate with colleagues, collaborate with others - and the ... Share links and resources. Give up the differences - they are nothing compared to the world ...

11. Information of ... The rarity and deficit - a real knowledge of the subject. Filter valuable and useful, make a catalog of important, from your point of view of Internet resources. Place them on their websites and blogs.

12. Compile a dictionary, encyclopedia and wiki textbooks. If it is difficult to work on a major project on its own, see. paragraph 10.

13. Do not expect a quick success. Do not pursue rapid decisions. Reputation on the Web (yes probably, and in ... The success will come sooner or later.

14. Do not be afraid. No business martketologi, no officials, no employees can not compete with people for whom art and literature - ...