Thursday, March 29, 2012

The U.S. Congress once again to consider the law of neutrality Network

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ed and Chip Pickering Barca are going to once again raise the issue of neutrality of the Internet and submit an updated version of the senators ' Act on the Protection of freedom of the Internet ' (Internet Freedom Preservation Act).

The need for a law on neutrality Network spoke at the beginning of 2006. The first such an initiative was made by Vint Cerf, considered one of the ' fathers of the Internet '. According to Cerf, the introduction of the neutrality law will put an end to unfair competition on the World Wide Web, and stimulate the development of new online resources. Such a law, in particular, would prohibit telecommunications companies to take extra for high-speed content delivery and intentionally degrade the connection with resource competition.

In support of the act then expressed some public organizations and large companies, including Amazon. com, eBay, Google, InterActiveCorp, Microsoft and Yahoo. However, the American Association of Telecommunications Companies believes that the adoption of this bill (or any similar ) will only lead to an increase in prices for high-speed network and impede the development of new services.

According to a new version of the bill, impose duties of supervision over observance of the rights of users are invited to the U.S. Federal Commission of Communications (FCC). The organization's experts, in particular, will need to ensure that service providers provide the same quality for each user to access any site with any compatible device, according to ArsTechnica.

FCC will also have regular special conference to discuss the functioning of the Network and communications providers. However, users should be able to address their complaints and suggestions to the FCC via the Internet.

net. compulenta. ru.

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