Thursday, March 22, 2012


The first was related to managers, who survived due to the credit of the pyramids. They took the credit, leveled production - already it's time to take a second loan in order to return the first. And with the growing volume of the year, but rising deficit and debt. And as soon stopped giving loans, almost all such companies or have fallen under the wing of the state, or significantly reduced activity, or even stop it.

The second series connected with those who shout the loudest in December and January that there is no crisis. Among them is a friend of mine - the owner of a small jeweler's small factory. In December, January and February, even all of it was fluffy, were sent, and here in the spring on you, and are broken. Based on yesterday's phone call and try to return to the subject site, as much forgotten five years ago - things are not so hot for him today: 80 % of customers have stopped buying and idle capacity.

Fat, gained 100 % of the profits allowed many to survive the winter safely. Say what you like, but the summer season 2008. was a success. Many have made such a liquidity reserve that when things started to fall in October - they were passing out of habit to fall on their own reserves, the crisis did not notice. Continued purchases in the previous volumes, the salary paid. When the builders of moaning from the downtime, the company looked at them with surprise. In winter, it was even a revival - many then thought that the crisis had already begun to reduce the speed.

In fact, began the withdrawal of money from a dying business. And where had ordered one but a big client, are now ordered a lot, but small. Small, but would like all grown-up, at least, familiar with the advertisers are happy to report that even in the corporate identity is orders. And as our regular supplier of digital printing right into the conversation said that although most of the old customers drew off, the new income levels restored to its previous state.

January and February for those who live season, the most incomprehensible months. Many celebrations, reports - continuous confusion in the minds of customers and better to wait than to seek orders. Zahazhivaya to friends, I saw the same picture: the syndrome of waiting. Well, suddenly blow over and the season begins in March. The stock - that is, fat. But in March, the season has not started. Then they waited in April. But April was a dry. Now go and May pustovato.

all. stocks ended. It's time to start living a new way. Those who came to cut costs in November, is get out and look with optimism to the future. But those who hoped for a season - are coming strong shocks. Then you and the massive layoffs and reductions of seemingly stable companies. And the massive salary cut-off function. Now read on a forum that Latvia has left almost no family where at least one unemployed person does not. A woman's work is mainly. In general, something like this could develop by the fall.

Meanwhile, disturbing phone calls come one after another from different locations and industries. And everything - from those who had hoped to somehow make it to season. It did not work, do not have lasted. Although it was not worth anything to begin to tighten belts even in the winter. But it could shake the image of the company's stable, probably. Do not know. If so, it will now be doubly hurtful. Even worse would be only to those companies that are known to be sitting on a powder keg, passed through the crucible of first rate - it could not help, just drew off the inevitable finale to the summer. Now the losses will be even stronger, and for whom, and at all fatal.

For those who did not understand, explain: this crisis has revealed the total inadequacy of the current business model, where each successive round was achieved not due to increased demand, but due to the artificial stimulation of the aircraft loans and investments. This situation has led to what is a good idea to survive and even develop those who built their business not on new loans and attract investment, but based on real demand and supply. There is a demand - here's the goods. Money in the morning - evening Chairs. There are also successes are of different nature, but, in general, such companies managed to maintain and staff, and even the rate of return is not diminished. And the income, profits have fallen in all. They could not be so large.

Separate song - gosbiznes. But wait until the end of the year, you see, live to see the default of one of the states in Europe and our neighbors. It is, I must say, the likely scenario. Let's wait and see. In an interesting time we live.

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