Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear President Medvedev: Stop Emulating Silicon Valley

Daniel Isenberg, a professor of management at Babson College, Founder and Executive Director. Babson Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project. , The author '. How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution. '(June 2010) in Harvard Business Review.

Dear President Medvedev, cease to emulate Silicon Valley.

So you say you want a revolution?. Outstanding Russian businessmen - in front of your nose. With his brains, determination, leadership abilities and each with its own ... If you want to build a healthy business ecosystem for sustainable economic development, you should learn from those who know how to get it to work now and how zastavat it work better in the future.

Back in the USSR. President Medvedev, your Skolkovo Valley looks like a planned economy only in the new wrapper. If you mean business, you can not manage this top-down. Moscow will not be able to emulate Silicon Valley. Kigali will not be able to emulate Silicon Valley. Cali can not emulate Silicon Valley. And even you know that Silicon Valley will not be able to do so.

Instead of wasting time and money on trying to recreate ideal picture of the impossible, take a look at the rules for the next. entrepreneurial revolution. in Russia:.

a. Recognize and. respect of entrepreneurs. In which all turned out. I searched all over the world, but have never seen a society without entrepreneurs: how art and music, entrepreneurship, too, is something fundamental in human nature. In some societies, businesses have to ...

2. Talk to them and. listen to them. Naladte candid, informal, two-way dialogue. It is important to show ... Use them to understand how the practice can be more eco -friendly business that will already be successful. Remember, this is the color of the nation. Russia in fact has a great scientific and technological heritage to lean on.

3. It is necessary to attract the Russian diaspora. Of the best ex- patriirovannyh Russian businessmen living in the U.S., Europe, Israel. They will be interested if you do not deem it an honor that will listen to their opinions. A new page in the history of Taiwan, was formed when the Consultative Group on Science and Technology. The group has gained influence and became one of the main reasons for returning to Taiwan, 40 000 highly skilled managers and entrepreneurs who have gained experience in the U.S..

4. Drop the bias towards sectors of the economy. For three decades, Israel has developed its scientific program, persistently avoiding priority sectors for promotion. Impartiality of the sectors is an important sense, since it leaves the choice of directions for the entrepreneurs that they consider promising. Here we are, exactly, about the prosperity of thousands of colors. Remember that business - it is, in fact, contradictory activities: you need to release the hounds dogs, so they caught up with your chance of success.

5. Do not try to draw a zebra. You can not, having a white donkey, and paint it with black stripes, call it a zebra. Help the business to grow gradually. Create zebras favorable conditions for reproduction. In many respects it is to remove obstacles in their path. Remember that all things being equal, the removal of bureaucratic obstacles - is more effective than the creation of preferences.

6. Take a more holistic intervention. There are 13 separate but interrelated elements that form the entrepreneurial ecosystem. All 13 must appear in the end. to make it a viable business. There are capital and technology? . There are success stories? . Culture takes to take the risk of defeat and fair? .

The next Russian revolution will not happen overnight, but the key to success - take a look inside. You have to imitate himself, and not Silicon Valley. And in order to obtain an international rating, you are not worth visiting San Jose and Cupertino, and Hsinchu, and Reykjavik Gertsiliyu.

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