Sunday, April 22, 2012

Women's logic... Oh!

Famous sayings jokes often relate to topics of acute - differences of male and female logic, about the same, there is another view - from tochkizreniya psychology and even philosophy. After all, the beauty of relationships, as we know, lasts until the unhappy moment when the two are thinking about each drugene as romantic heroes, but as people orealnyh. And at that moment, ...
Men - from Mars, women are from Venus. Logically, a man does not understand. Women's logic is that you take from it! . The impression that someone is artificially divided nasna two pretty hostile camps, as had sometimes kotoryevse sobiratsyavmeste. Perhaps this division - neiskusstvennoe? Yet this is something natural razdeleniiest. Two zhenschinygorazdo easier to understand each other, and the man chemzhenschina. So, these ...

Muzhskayalogika clear. At the request of his wife ... ten loaves. Because of logikeveschey so, the program had a simple iponyatnaya. Take a loaf, and if there are eggs that carry it ten.
And another thing that annoys many women. Eslidoma no sausage and the shaver, it will bring the store is just that itolko. Note that zavtraponadobitsya toilet paper, hard. As well as to take her tomorrow to putidomoy - and here you are trying to post svoilyubimye napkins with beautiful rozhdestvenskimuzorom.
Women's logic - that escheshtuchka. To say that is almost ready, be dressed, and then suddenly remember chtohotela painted nails or pobritnogi. And at this time nervnotopchetsya man, dressed in a doorway, and whispered, kakzaklinanie: ... Advocate for clean, cut a rug or zanevybity socks (they taknezametno lie in a corner!) - And etomrazbrasyvat bottles, tubes, jars, raschesochki and hairpins on the way from the kitchen and balkonacherez up to the front door.
An item more terrible moment - to demand that it fulfill a cherished but siyuminutnoezhelanie. And what she wants - a woman vetot moment itself difficult to say. Then come to the aid of a typical oborotzhenskoy logic - a reproach, ...

Life or no life, here's a question vchem.
For men trikruzhki in the washroom - not povodmyt dishes, and for women - sometimes uzhei cause for scandal. Hence nachinayutsyakonflikty and quarrels and claims, or molchalivyenedomolvki. Any variantreaktsii - as violent, ... As expressed, and not vyskazannyepretenzii and ...
Vseslozhnoe - easy!.
Men izhenskaya logic from the perspective of the psychology of philosophy simple as a drop of water. We were gone from different planets, but we of raznyhpolushary. Namely - the brain. A woman is simpler and more familiar myslitobrazami - that's it that quickly understands zhenschinazhenschinu. ... kakkroshki in bed, you know? ... And the ...
We see that pastazakanchivaetsya, feel it with your fingers, pre- smells bad breath, eslizubnaya pasta is finished, a new nebudet. We pay attention to reklamui for goods in bright packaging. And even eslidoma it seems to be not necessary, but does not repair vedzapas trouble!.
We change the course of resheniyana, weaving, adjusted. Men's and women's logic to this tochkizreniya begins to diverge (and vpsihologii and philosophy are aware of this ) - if the man decided to make a salad, onoboydet two, three stores, and kupitingredienty. If the woman in the first zhemagazine not come across all that is necessary, it is creatively adapts. For example, comes up with alternatives to make another salad ilireshaet.
Amnistiyadlya all sexes!.
We odnovremennoi conservative (and hence bolshayanelyubov to technology ), and mobile there gdemuzhchina will follow the algorithms. Aznachit, all the features of the male izhenskoy logic not only in terms zreniyapsihologii and philosophy, but sprimitivno - consumer point of view poraobyavit amnesty!.

Understand blizkogocheloveka very important. And more importantly, knowing what's inside the other person, to respect his way of living and the world vzaimodeystvovats. And that means, ten batonovimeyut right to exist. Vedzhenschina - being creative, pridumaetsovershit, for example, romanticheskuyuprogulku the lake to pokormitlebedey. And next time will be vyrazhatprosby, given the harsh muzhskuyulogiku.

We are all different, but we seek one another tochkisoprikosnoveniya. And kakradostno happens when we have them all - takinahodim!.

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