Friday, April 6, 2012

The fireball fell from the sky in Argentina - Video

26. 09. 11. One woman was killed and six others injured in a fall neizvesnogo cosmic body. According to an eyewitness living in the neighborhood, fell from the sky a burning object which completely destroyed the building and several cars damaged as well and a number of standing buildings.

The incident occurred around 2:00 am at the intersection of Luis Vernet, and Los Andes, in Monte Grande, Province of Esteban Echeverría. Causes of the accident has not been fully established, is under investigation, local residents say they have witnessed how the ... ...

The commander of the local fire brigade, Guillermo Perez said: What still do not know exactly what it was, but admitted that the only version is aimed at ... ... ...

Examination should be conducted to really make sure that really happened ... Perez confirmed that just hit two buildings standing next to shops. Under the rubble found a dead body, and six more were saved, they are now admitted to a local hospital, where they received first aid - adds fire.