Monday, April 2, 2012

JODConverter or as a broken ODT DOC unbeaten give

doc. and. odt. difference between the opening time is minimal, then. ppt-odp. the situation is more complicated. Besides his own shirt (. ODF. ) Closer to the OpenOffice:).
Open each file and then save the inconvenient and dreary ( there are rumors that the office machines, most of these thousands of files:)).

JODConverter. - Is a Java library for converting office documents into different formats, using. OpenOffice. org 2. x.
Before you transgress directly to metamorphosis, it is necessary to start OOo from the listening port 8100:.

soffice-headless-accept = 'socket, port = 8100; urp;'. 

In order to use. JODConverter. through the command line, you must download the (currently jodconverter- 2. 2. a. zip), unpack it and run, as shown below. The first example illustrates the conversion of. doc. in. odt. :.

java-jar lib/jodconverter-cli-2. 2. a. jar document. doc document. odt. 

Mnogostanochnosti principle can be implemented by using the. -f. (or. - output-format. ). After the key should be the output format (eg. pdf. ) And then to the input arguments:.

java-jar lib/jodconverter-cli-2. 2. a. jar-f odp *. ppt. 

The above command converts all ppt- presentation in the catalog in the native format of the odp.

alternative. script. on. Python. Doing everything the same way:.

python DocumentConverter. py input-file output-file. 

The main plus - weighs a lot less java- congener (4,4 Kb against 1,9 Mb). Less - no support for the-f.

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